Here Comes the Sun

Jennifer Caputo-Seidler, MD
1 min readApr 18, 2022


Hurricane screens

over office windows

block out the light

in the COVID unit

In here

it feels like night until at least 9 am

Fitting for a building that has housed so much death

these last two years

Sealed off from an outside world

that desires to move on

and declare a post-pandemic victory

Being in that room

for endless hours

I stopped noticing

I’d been left with only dull fluorescent overheads

Caught up in the crisis before me

I didn’t notice the light leaving

until all I could see was the darkness

of another shift before me

When the first wave hit

hospitals in New York played “Here Comes the Sun”

each time a COVID patient went home

Back then the sun felt so far away

But the unit is emptied of COVID patients

my mood significantly lighter after a Saturday on the river walk

I can start to see a way forward,

stepping into the light



Jennifer Caputo-Seidler, MD

Hospital medicine physician with a passion for gender equity, narrative medicine, and medical education.